In my previous post, I mentioned that I
wouldn't be able to write in Tornado C for the month of August due to
certain circumstances. The simple question may have crossed your
mind: why?
It's a long story - but then again,
most stories are. The short story doesn't exist, not really. Short
stories are merely story fragments. (But I'm going on a rabbit trail,
aren't I?)
In this post, I will (with multiple
rabbit trails) attempt to explain why the month of August will be a
non-writing month.
But first, I'll tell you in a one
sentence. Then I'll explain. And what is that "one sentence"?
Between August 6-29,
the entire Buller clan (including me) will be at large in the U.S. of
that's a pretty decent reason to forgo writing for a month. We're
visiting America - and it's going to be hectic. I'll hardly have
time for sleep, much less writing. (And I don't sleep on plane
flights, particularly twelve-hour ones. AND we're arriving in the
morning. *headdesk*)
why are
we going to the States?
if you recall, some time ago I wrote a post about why I wasn't going
to America in the year of 2012. The reasons were perfectly legit: in
addition to the unfortunate subject of money (and lack thereof), it
would be potentially dangerous to go back before we had been here in
Africa for a full year.
Because we'd be tempted to stay. After all, the majority of culture
shock and homesickness happens within the first year of moving to
another culture and another country.
is, though, you have to let go of something before you can receive
it. In the same vein of "he who loses his life shall find it",
we let go of our desire to go to America - and discovered that we
were going to America after all. After examining ourselves - and
taking away our almost insatiable desire to go to America - we found
that our desires were fulfilled in the end, to the glory of Christ.
back to the original question—there are several reasons for this
visit. First, well, who wouldn't want to visit their home country
after being gone for eight months?
second (the main reason), Mom's uncle offered to pay for our flights
so that we'd be able to go to a large family reunion, which only
happens every three or four years. (When I say large, think 100+
people...all related to each other.) This is important, especially
since some of our older relatives are getting along in their years.
So we're flying in for the reunion! :)
enough, in some bizarre way, we managed to get comparatively
dirt-cheap tickets that were like half the starting price. We still
don't know exactly how that happened.)
addition, it's going to be insanely busy. We've got three states to
visit, multiple churches to go to and update, and dozens of friends
to see - all in a three-week period. And that's besides the massive
family reunion.
an excited summary: I'M GOING TO AMERICA IN A WEEK!!
seriously, you have absolutely no idea how excited I am, for the very
good reason that you've probably never been away from your home
country for eight months. (Granted, I know there's a couple MKs out
there. You, of all people, would be able to understand, right?
Going back "home" for a visit is fantastic, and this is my
first one since moving.)
if you consider the idea of moving to another country, and reverse
the feeling, you'll have a good idea what I mean. It's more than
delight - it is (as my grandpa put it, when we picked him up from the
airport here in Liberia) pure, unadulterated happiness.
the ever-present G. K. Chesterton says, "What could be more
delightful than to have in the same few minutes all the fascinating
terrors of going abroad combined with all the humane security of
coming home again?"
enough of that. ^_^ Suffice it to say that we're extremely happy to
be visiting America again.
and if any of you are visiting the Midwest (particularly in Kansas;
Wichita and Kansas City mainly) email me or something. It would be
awesome if I could meet up with some "internet friends"
while visiting (although it's hardly plausible). Still, God's done
stranger things!
yourself, America - for the Clan is coming back!