To start off NaNoWriMo well, I figured I'd give you something to lift your hearts and bolster your first writing surge of the month. Presenting...writing advice from Snoopy!
How do you start a novel? Drag in your heavy, romantic briefcase and get out your typewriters. Snoopy lets us know how real page-turners start: with the mystery of a fantastic beginning sentence.
Next, he lets us know that real writing is hard work. And to get to 50,000 words by the end of the month, it's going to take a LOT of hard work. But we can get through it!
Also, Snoopy says, when presenting the beginning of your incredible work-in-progress to editors, make sure and be open to advice. An open mind is always a good thing, so take the advice and make your story better.
In this one, Snoopy shows us how to write brilliant description: the strength is in the little details!
We all need editing, and Snoopy is no exception. Edit as you go, but don't get so caught up in the editing that you stop writing the story!
Snoopy also lets us in on the secret to emotional scenes. Dialogue is key!
In the next few sections, Snoopy tells us how to react to critique after the story is finished, and what to do when you send in your story to the publishers.
Well, there you have it...the complete guide to writing your NaNoWriMo novel. (Many thanks to Snoopy for offering to make a guest appearance on my blog.)
Happy writing, and may the best dwarf win!

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