(Note: this is a
fairly exhaustive review. Rather long and meandering – kind of
like the movie, come to think of it. ;) There are probably some minor
spoilers, but I stayed away from revealing major plot points.)
hard as it might be to believe, until very recently I had yet to see
the Hobbit movie, despite having been in America for some time.
Being a writer, the best way I process things is by, well, writing.
So write I will! Here are my hasty and sincere thoughts on Peter
Jackson's adaption of Tolkien's “fairy-tale”.
Book and the Movie
best way to approach the movie, I think, is to view it as an entirely
different story than the book; or, as I put it to a friend of mine,
two different adaptions of the same essential story. One in words,
and the other in pictures.
But before I do that, how did the movie compare to the book?
Peter Jackson had a tough issue, and that was marketing the Hobbit to
a Lord of the Rings audience while simultaneously “setting up”
the saga that follows, something the original story didn't do at all.
This required several things, such as removing some of the
“whimsical”, fairy-story feel and adding in more “epic fantasy”
elements. This is a hard job, and he's bound to make both purists and
Lord of the Rings movie fans mad in the making.
I think he did well. Jackson compromised between a purist standpoint
and an epic fantasy standpoint in finding elements that were not
in the Hobbit itself but were
part of Tolkien's story-world nonetheless. This would include the
White Council (taken out of order), Azog the White Orc (who really
was from Moria but had actually been killed), Radagast (who had a
very minor role in The Fellowship of the Ring book but did exist),
the Necromancer (taken out of the Return of the King appendices and
other sources), and giants (who were hardly as colossal in the book).
This allowed Jackson to use Tolkien's own works in a way that would
work better on the big screen.
Okay, now that I've finished with that, I'll address the movie
itself, purely on its own merits, not how it measures up to the book.
could be expected from a three-hour movie made from one hundred pages
of a children's fantasy novel, the plot meandered from place to
place. The introduction of the White Orc and the Necromancer helped
move the plot along some, but the main reason why they didn't propel
much was because there was little to no resolution of their plotlines
at the end of the movie. Really, I think that was the most
disappointing thing about the Hobbit: zero resolution. We jumped
around some, had some adventures and whatnot, but the only resolution
was in the relationship between Bilbo and Thorin (more on that
later). Everything else was left open-ended.
is a trilogy, however, but even with that excuse the end of the movie
failed to completely satisfy. In comparison to the ending of the
Fellowship of the Ring, it was stale. (Perhaps that was, in part,
due to the fact that The Fellowship of the Ring followed the plotline
of the book and ended in the same place.)
isn't to say, however, that I wasn't interested. Sure, the plot
meandered, but I had a lot of fun meandering with it. Sure, it could
have gone faster, but I didn't mind going slowly. So that lets Peter
Jackson off the hook, a little bit.
Dialogue and
must say, one of my favorite parts of the Hobbit was the dialogue and
overall quality of the work. The dialogue is easily as good as the
original three LotR movies, and perhaps, in some places, better.
Certainly it's a lot lighter. The movie was peppered with humorous
quips and one-liners, something that was lacking in LotR. And, as I
discovered the day after I watched the movie, it's just as quotable
as LotR, especially in the troll and Gollum scenes respectively.
(“Teefes! We has nine!”)
And by “quality”, I mean the
little things throughout the movie that don't get their own
“category” like plot or character, but enrich the movie in
innumerable ways. Gollum's facial expressions, for instance, were
priceless. The filming was simply beautiful. The soundtrack was
incredible. (Howard Shore's
of old and new themes was excellent.)
The sets were tastefully done, the costumes were fantastic, the
dwarves were distinctive—you get the point. There are a lot of
little things that make the movie great.
The only thing I
thought was off was the Goblin King. He was kind of...weird. A
little cheesy. He would have gone down better if he hadn't had such a
strange voice. I mean, normally goblins and orcs are hoarse and
brutal-sounding, but this guy had no voice editing at all. And he
was kind of sarcastic and weird and had a massive double chin.
that was distinctive about The Lord of the Rings was that, despite
the action/adventure feel, the character development was incredibly
good. How did it work out in the Hobbit?
Let's start with the
main character, Bilbo Baggins. He starts off as a quiet well-to-do
hobbit who doesn't want any adventures—thank you, good morning. He
ends up as a volunteer on a quest to take back the dwarf kingdom of
Erebor, where he could get roasted or skewered or be late for dinner.
Is it done well?
I think so. While I think the spotlight
was on Thorin a little too much, Bilbo's character evolved fairly
well, with some really shining moments—his last scene with Gollum,
for instance, or his scene with the White Orc. I was afraid that I'd
think of Martin Freeman, the actor for Bilbo, as 'Watson' the whole
time (he acts as Dr. Watson in BBC's “Sherlock” TV show), but I
think he did a good job. Perhaps a little too skittish, but that
should resolve itself in the coming sequels.
While most of the
dwarves didn't get enough screen time to really “show” their
character (other than Balin, I think, who was very well done), they
were distinctive enough that you could tell them apart. (Except for
Fili and Kili. I always get them mixed up.)
Gandalf is his
old grey self—the acting was superb. 'Nuff said.
Gollum was
in top form in the Hobbit. He's funnier and, in some ways, even
better than he was in LotR. The events that would happen later, in
LotR, were foreshadowed well.
And I feel I must mention the
White Orc for a moment. Zero characterization there, even for an
orc. Basically, his only motivation for trying to kill Thorin is that
he “swore to wipe out the line of Durin”. He might have cause for
revenge on Thorin, but that was barely noted. He might be a
character necessary for plot, but at least they could make him more
The last major character was Thorin. I have
mixed feelings about him. While he's a brash character and very
pigheaded, he's likeable in some ways as well. Two scenes really
helped endear me to him, I think—the “flashback” where Balin is
telling Thorin's story to Bilbo, and the final scene of the
Overall, while the character wasn't quite as stunning
as the original trilogy, it was adequate enough for the first
favorite subject. It's usually tied to characters, so how did it do
this time around?
There was really one theme in the Hobbit,
but it was expressed in various ways. The main one was the
relationship between Bilbo and the Company, mostly played out with
Bilbo's interactions with Thorin. Did Bilbo belong? Why should he
I was a little surprised by Bilbo's answer when asked
why he stayed with the Company. “Because I have a home, and you
don't have a home.” While it's a nice theme, it had the potential
to be a lot stronger, especially when contrasted with the main themes
of Lord of the Rings. I think a better motivation would be tied to
the need for justice and the cause of good.
But really, the
main theme of the Hobbit was said by Galadriel: “Why Bilbo
And Gandalf's answer to that question makes that
scene my favorite in the entire movie. The soundtrack (beautiful),
the acting, the placement, all of it supplements the words that
Gandalf says at that part and sums up the theme of the Hobbit. And
really, the theme of the entire “Lord of the Rings” saga, the
Hobbit included.
I won't spoil anything. (And part of it is
that I can't remember the exact quotation off the top of my head.)
But it is definitely a fantastic theme. I hope it comes out a lot
more in the later movies!
Not The Book
Hobbit movie is not the Hobbit book. Some people hate the movie
because of that. Some people think it's a money-making
Taken apart from the book, however, and being seen
as a prequel to the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, the Hobbit
delivers. The plot meanders, but the same themes and characters are
woven throughout the movie. It's witty, it's well-made, it's a
continuation of the well-beloved saga. More importantly, it promises
a lot more epicness to come.
And my goodness, I could quote it
all day.