They say
familiarity breeds contempt. This may not be true of writing, but it
is true that familiarity breeds all sorts of problems.
Yes, it can be a
problem when you know your writing backwards and forwards. Being
objective is the best way to make your revisions effective—it means
you can honestly point out flaws and delete those dear little scenes
that you love but really serve no use. But being too familiar with
your work creates a bias, and that makes it hard for you to polish
your prose.
happens a lot
in revisions. People like me tend to write their novels without
looking back. But when it comes to revision, my methods require
reading and rereading and rereading yet again. With all that
reading, I practically memorize the important parts of my story.
With The War Horn alone, I've completely rewritten the opening pages
three or four times, in addition to rereading them dozens
of times.
It's a problem. Your eyes get all glazed over, and your mind starts
skipping ahead because you've read it all before. As a result, you
miss out on a missing word here or there, or a structural problem, or
a bad spot of passive voice.
Recently I had this problem with my Will Vullerman revisions. One
story in particular has given me some trouble, and as a result I've
reread it as many as ten times in the last two weeks, in addition to
rewriting half a dozen key scenes.
Luckily, I'm coming back to the stories after nearly a year and a
half of letting them sit on the shelf. Because of that, the first
time I reread them, the stories were fresh. And since these are the
final revisions, this familiarity isn't as much of a problem.
But when familiarity gets really bad, I suggest doing one of several
One, it's a good idea to leave your story on the shelf for a while.
Don't use this as an excuse for procrastination, but also recognize
your limits. Giving your story some space allows you to be fresh and
critical when you do happen to pick it up again.
underestimate the power of a long hiatus. After taking a long break
from Tornado C back in 2012 (long before completion) I reread the
first six chapters several months later. Guess
story had a gravity and power that took me by surprise. It was
actually good!
I'm currently taking the hiatus approach for my Tornado C revisions.
I finished it last October and I haven't touched it since. I'm
taking it slow; hopefully, come March, I'll pick it up again and
revise it nonstop till August. (Being my biggest novel at 90,000
words, it seems appropriate to go slow and steady. There are few
things worse than rushed revisions.)
try printing it out or putting it on an e-reader. I did this for my
Will Vullerman story; seeing it on my Kindle allowed me to see a lot
of technical mistakes that I had overlooked on my computer screen.
read it out loud and see what happens. You can read it to yourself
or to somebody else, whatever
works. You'll be surprised at how many mistakes and awkward phrases
you'll find! Badly constructed sentences will jump out at you like
the stroke of a red pen. (It's always awkward when this happens to
you when you're reading it aloud—to a critique group. Oops!)
Fourth, send the story off to other people to read. Sure, that
doesn't solve your own familiarity problem, but a great critique is
worth a dozen of your own revisions. It'll allow you to revise your
blind spots.
And, of course, there's always the possibility that you should stop
revising altogether. Sometimes enough is enough. Your story will
never be perfect, although perfection should always be your goal.
Eventually you'll have to let it go and declare it finished.
Whatever happens, try your best to view your writing from the
reader's point of view. That's the most important thing, in the end!