The day has finally come -STASIS is available on Kindle! Here's a direct link: CLICK HERE.
It's just $2.99. That's like, less than a grande coffee at Starbucks. That's less than buying a pack of socks at Old Navy. Wear the old socks and buy the new book! And the best thing is, you get to keep the book forever. It won't wear out like a pair of socks, and it won't get sucked dry like a grande bold pick of the day. (Although it may keep you up at night like aforementioned cup of coffee.)
What's not to love?
If you're as enthusiastic about this as I am (doubtful), or even a little bit excited (hopeful), then tune your ears and listen up. Here are some things you can do to help make STASIS a success. (And, to go all inspirational on you, a success for one self-published author is a success for all. Plus, I'll likely be reinvesting this money into writing workshops - it's not like I'm going to run out and buy a Keurig with my royalties. But don't tempt me.)

And it's just three bucks. You click a couple of buttons and you can be reading it in less than a minute. Even if you live right next to Old Navy, you couldn't get socks that fast. The deal just keeps getting better and better!
2. Read and review it! Amazon reviews are enormously influential in helping people decide whether they want to read the book. And if your review is less-than-glowing, post it anyway - an honest review often helps sales more than a rant about how amazing this book is. And I appreciate any feedback you have to give.
I also just created the Goodreads page for STASIS - so you can add it to your bookshelves and review it there, too!
3. Reshare on Facebook! (You can find the necessary links and the official Will Vullerman Facebook page here. "Liking" the page can also help generate more interest in the book.) The more exposure this gets, the more likely it is that STASIS will be a success.
4. Tell people about it! If you have a blog, do a review, or link up to the Amazon page - I'd really appreciate it. Word-of-mouth is the only way indie books like this one survive - so get the word out!
Thanks to everyone who made this enormous effort possible. You guys are all inspiring and wonderful.
Happy reading!