We're a week away from NaNoWriMo now, and as usual I haven't planned an iota of my novel. Not even in my head. Haven't thought about it, at all. Preparing so far has consisted of reading the previous books in my series (I'm working on Book #4 of The Prophecies this year) and procrastinating on writing the last two chapters of tVoG (which is Book #3 and didn't get finished last year).
Also, because one of my great vices is forgetfulness, I neglected to inform you guys of a huge development in my writing career as of a couple weeks ago.
The picture will pretty much tell the tale, minus the convulsions.
In case you were wondering, the name of this particular document was Tornado C. And as of October 12th, I passed 90,000 words and wrote THE END on this epic that has taken me the last twenty-one months to brainstorm and write.
All I'm saying is that revision's going to be a trip. I don't even want to think about it right now.
In the meantime, I'm basking in the glory of actually finishing something and trying not to think about the novel I have to be ready to write in a week. (And, y'know, actually finishing the book that came before it.)
How's it going for you lot?