I return to this blog once again on the eve of a great battle. By that, I mean internet advertising. Pretty exciting, huh?
Okay, not really. But this is an extremely good cause. Some time ago, my lovely and talented sister made a video for a full-tuition scholarship at Abilene Christian University. It's about some of her experiences and service from our time in Liberia. (Naturally, it's kind of a big deal, since college is ridiculously expensive.)
Last week, we learned that she made it to the finalists - the top ten videos! (I knew she would. And that she would probably win.) However, she does need some help to get further in the contest.
In order to advance, she needs to get oodles of votes on her video. While I don't think that's the best way to choose the "best video" - I mean, obviously hers is it - it IS very crucial. This only goes on till tomorrow night.
With that in mind, I humbly and fervently ask you if you would take a few moments to vote for her video. (And if you try to pass it over...well, just think what YOU would do if you had thousands of dollars in scholarships on the line! Hmm?)
So here's what you do. Three things count as votes: voting for the video on the ACU site, liking it on YouTube, and resharing it - WITH the YouTube reshare button.
Here's the link. Her video is the one on the top right - "Alexandria Buller". Also, enjoy just how amazing the video is and take some time to watch it. Pretty awesome, huh?
Sorry for the spam, but it's not really spam. You can just take this as a long and passionate [free verse] poem in honor of my talented sister.
Thanks, guys! Till next time.

1 comment:
I liked it on and will share it on Facebook. I really loved the video, and thino your sister is doing something really amazing helping all those children!!
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