All right, it's time for part three of the LOTR Trivia! Here's the question;
"How many Orcs (and other enemies) did Gimli slay in comparison to Legolas during the Battle of Helm's Deep?" (i.e. How many did Gimli slay and how many did Legolas slay?)
Beware--unless my memory betrays me, the answer from the LOTR movies is different than the answer from the books.
Guess to your heart's delight, my friends! :D
We'll see if the next question is answered in a timely manner. I plan for it to be the hardest. :D

Gimli had 42 while Legolas has 41.
Are we looking for the movie answer or the book? Ye didn't make that clear lol.
Correct, Eldra! Good job. Did you look it up or not?
I believe I mentioned in an earlier post that all answers were from the book. :) So that answers your question. :D
Yeah, I had to look it up. :) I haven't had time to read the books in the past seven or eight months, so I'm a little rusty.
All right, I've got ya down. :)
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