You know the drill. (Hopefully.) But, in case you're like me (forgetful) or new to the Word Wars, here's the rules.
1) You must write only in the allotted time. But, if you cannot do it in the time specified, feel free to participate (within the same amount of time, i.e. three hours) at a different time of day.
2) The War will take place from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Central time zone.
3) To enter the Word War, post your starting word count in the comments section. Then, once the War is over, post your end word count. The writer with the greatest increase of words wins!
Like last time, I regret to say I will most likely not be able to participate in this Word War. However, I wish you all the best of luck. May your pen smoke and your keyboard smolder!
Write like the wind races; burn your words across the page!

Unfortunately my keyboard does smolder...but not from my typing skillz. :-P My whole computer has smoking habits.
Hope I can participate some time in the day. Have a meeting and outing in the afternoon/evening. We'll see how the morning goes.
Thanks for hosting.
I forgot last week (sorry!) but I'll try to make it this time. We shall see. *Zuse voice*
I'd really like to participate, but sadly I have an all day engagement. Hopefully in two weeks or so.
I am planning on it. I was sooo bummed I missed last weeks. :)
It's 6:30 but I am here. :P dinner ran late Word war you are on :)
Word count 3,900 flat. How sweet is that?
Okay, I'm late already, but here goes. I have 10,420 words to start.
Finishing word count + getting distracted a bunch of times...
Well...not bad...could have done better I think. What do you have Eldra?
Huh. So far: 126 words. Julian Smith is so distracting!!
AHG JULIAN SMITH!!!! NOOO YOU DIDN"T GET SUCKED INTO JULIAN SMITH!!!!!! :D His videos are fun. Too fun...almost :)
Yup. Sucked in like it was quicksand. I think I'm addicted. Although I'm even worse with music videos. I could watch music videos until the middle of the night if I was allowed to.
Oh tell me about it. They can be so addicting.
Yup. 126 is my official word count. Consider this week a major failure. Next week, I'll do better. I promise.
I feel your pain about Julian Smith, Eldra! I have had to stop writing because I'm just too sucked in!! :-) I will try very hard to enter in next week's Word Wars. Congrats, Jessica, I think you won! ;-)
Great job all! And Eldra, something is always better than nothing. :)
I vaguely dislike Julian Smith.
Yes, better than nothing, I suppose. And I only like some of Julian Smith's stuff. Some is just . . . well, odd.
I must disagree--all of Julian Smith's stuff makes me die laughing. But, to each his own. I just wish you wouldn't jump to concussions. ;-)
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