However, to celebrate this time of giving and the celebration of our Lord's birth, I figured I'd give you a present. And being a writer, what more can I give you but the gift of words?
Temporarily up on my blog is a new page, titled simply "Prologue: Assassins". This is the prologue from The Prophecy of Einarr, and it'll only be available until sometime in early January, when I'll take it down.
Merry Christmas, and try not to eat too much!
Christ is born, hallelujah!

Ha ha, I've arrived first! Whoops, shouldn't spoil the gift for the others... *stuffs gift carefully back into box*
Tis a masterfully written gift, and one that isn't unnecessarily dressed up with bows and ribbons (a rare gift in itself). That made me happy *smiles contentedly*
Okay, I'm ready to read more now. Like Ninja Tim said, it wasn't "dressed up"; instead you kept it very simple and clean, which made it easy to understand. All too often, fantasy books are started with an influx of information that bewilders the reader to the point where they're not sure what's going on. Not so here. You definitely did an excellent job on this.
Merry Christmas!!
Thank you, Sir Jake! Wonderful! I absolutely love it! A right bit of writing, that. A right bit.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Hmmm.... I never like it when you are left hanging... But I must say, Bravo! That was wonderful! Please just a bit more?
It would be selfish to say I want more... and I'm barely resisting. It was gripping, to say the least. If you write the first part of The War Horn like you wrote that, I don't think you'll have a problem with hooking your reader, no matter what you write about! Thanks for letting us read it!!
Yeesh! Thank you for an epic, EPIC Christmas present! I couldn't imagine a better one-- when do we get to read the whole thing??
Jake! Very nice Christmas present! I enjoyed it... and of course, you finished with a cliff hanger. Now I desperately want to read the rest. If ever you should need someone to critique or edit, look me up! ;)
Thank you very much for that gift Jake. Everyone got there first with the things I would say, so I won't waste anyone's time by repeating them, except for that was, well, epic is really the only word I can think of to describe it. Once again, thank you.
Wow--it's really good!
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