Some things are set in stone, such as
the Ten Commandments, taxes, and most statues. There are laws for
most everything, laws that make things "work". The law of
gravity keeps us on the ground.
As in everything, there are rules in
fiction writing. Maybe you've heard of them. Here's some of the
more important and (in)famous ones:
- Show, Don't Tell
- No mid-scene POV transitions
- Stay away from information dumps
- Stick to "said"
- Have conflict in every scene
- Don't bore yourself
They sound familiar, don't they? Those
are some of the general rules that define "good writing".
Good writing sticks to the rules, most of the time.
But as I'm continuing to write, I'm
realizing something.
Rules can be broken.
I'm doing One Year Adventure Novel for
the second time, as you already know, but this time, I'm breaking the
rules. Instead of one POV, first person, and twelve chapters, I'm
doing multiple POVs, third person, and twenty-four chapters.
Why am I allowed to do this? Because
I've already followed the rules. I've mastered them, so to speak.
That doesn't mean I've perfected them, of course, but I've proven
that I can follow the rules and follow them well with my first OYAN
novel, which was The War Horn.
Here's another general rule in writing:
if you've mastered a rule, you can probably break it.
only if you've
mastered it. The reason we have rules is so we can write well. But
once we're writing well, we can break the rules so we can write
that make sense? Let me break it down for you.
purpose of Show, Don't Tell is to make us write better. Telling
slows down our fiction, bores the reader, and shows the writer's
voice, when the writer is to be invisible. Besides, showing a
conflict about a man's old drinking habits is much preferable to
"telling" the reader that the man used to have drinking
you can "tell" without doing those things, does that
invalidate the rule? (There's a long and complicated discussion
behind that question, so for the sake of brevity I won't go into it.)
Peterson breaks the "stay in POV" rule quite often in his
Wingfeather Saga, for instance. Sometimes, at the end of his
chapters, he puts things like, "If Janner hadn't been so
worried, however, he might have noticed the Fang nearby" or some
such. Completely not-allowed, of course, if you're strictly
following the POV rule. But this actually helps
the story, because it adds tension and suspense and doesn't slow down
the story at all. Since the story is a saga written as if it were
being told 'round a fire, that usage of POV is okay.
Lord of the Rings is a fantastic epic, but it has all sorts of "bad
writing" in it, according to our rules. Yet, if it hadn't
broken our "rules" then it wouldn't be the epic it is
example would be adverbs. OYAN tells you to avoid adverbs, and for a
good reason. But once I learned how to avoid adverbs, I started
using adverbs again, because now I have learned how to use them
what am I telling you? Well, I'm
not telling you to go out and break the rules of writing.
In most cases, the rules of writing apply. But there are
some point, however, you have to decide whether to follow a rule or
break it. Once you've mastered the rule, however, you should
have the wisdom to decide whether following a rule will help your
writing or hurt it.
even when you decide to stop blindly following all the rules simply
because they're rules, don't throw them out. They're valuable,
created by people with decades more experience than you (assuming
that you're a fairly young writer), and their wisdom is much greater
than yours.
if you're still a fairly new writer that struggles with writing
"quality" prose, stick
to the rules.
They'll build you up and help you write good stuff. Wait 'til you
have more experience to start making and breaking your own rules.
Gerke puts it simply: "Be teachable [about writing], except when
you stop. And even when you stop being teachable, stay teachable."
what do you think? What are some writing rules that can be broken in
certain circumstances? Do you even agree that the rules of writing
can be broken?