do you create memorable characters?
a question we all want answered. While creating depth and building
the character is up to you, creating characters that aren't cardboard
cutouts is actually quite simple. (Please note, however, that this
post is not about creating characters with depth and meaning. This
post is about a sub-division of character-building: making characters
memorable. There's much more to character than this.)
In my
own quest for memorable characters, I've encountered several ways you
can help make your character "worthy of remembrance". One
in particular stands out, however: the Defining Trait.
you think of your favorite characters in the stories you've read, you
can probably think of a defining trait right away. Gandalf is rather
mysterious and sometimes grumpy. Tibber the Fibber (from Bryan
Davis's "Dragons of Starlight") is, well, rather cracked.
defining trait doesn't even have to be a "kind" of
character, i.e. crazy or grumpy or playful or sharp-tongued. It
could just be a way of saying things. Another example from Bryan
Davis's books would be Sir Barlow, who loves puns, idioms, and pithy
sayings. In one of my short stories, I have a character that is
constantly saying that she "abhors" things. For example:
buts!" cried the Count. "No quotations! No repetitions!
I abhor them."
statements!" said the Count. "No observances! No useless
notations! I abhor them."
example of a defining trait can be found in the character of Danton
Brownbarr in my short story, "The Reality Ring". (And as a
side note, I just finished it today. It's about a hundred words
longer than In Stasis. The consensus so far is that it's a good
story, but not as good as In Stasis.)
a look at these two snippets:
Brownbarr, sir!" The man burst into Brownbarr's office with the
speed of a twentieth century cannonball. His hair was wild and his
ASP badge—with his name, Jeremy Mothinghotch, just visible—was
hanging on by a couple of threads from his shirt.
Brownbarr, Director of the African Secret Police, glanced up from his
is it, Mothinghotch?" he snapped. Brownbarr had only been here
since eight in the morning, but he already knew that Mothinghotch had
a knack for chaos and confusion, not to mention his barely-adequate
form of the dress code. "This had better be good, or I'll have
you charged with gross breach of conduct and strung from a street
light by your toes."
the stream," Brownbarr said. "Vullerman hasn't been
thought you knew, sir—"
you a blockhead, Mothinghotch, or do you simply have selective
memory? I haven't been informed of anything on the Vullerman case
yet. I was just transferred from the Ministry of Overseas Affairs."
sir. Mr. Vullerman hasn't been informed."
grunted. "So he's had four anonymous death threats and we also
intercepted a hit man in his neighborhood last week—and we're still
keeping it a secret?"
was the Director's orders, sir." Mothinghotch paused for a
moment. "Well, the last director,
that is. And how do you know so much about Vullerman's case when you
said you haven't been informed?"
haven't been informed...officially. But I've worked with Vullerman
before, so I keep myself updated."
from these two excerpts, you can get a pretty good idea of what kind
of a guy Brownbarr is, even though you've only read a little bit
about him. That's because he has a defining trait.
to create a character that is memorable, the easiest and fastest way
is to find some defining traits. However, make sure that the
character is always "in character", so to speak. If the
pessimistic character is commenting on how nice it is today, don't
you think that would be a bit odd? In the same way, put yourself in
the character's head and ask yourself what you would do if you were
defined by those traits.
a defining trait isn't all there is to creating memorable characters:
things such as character-building, character change, and depth are up
to you. But once you have a defining trait, you're on your way to
creating a character that your reader will remember.
about you? Are there any ways you can think of to build dynamic and
memorable characters? Can you think of any good examples of
memorable characters? Let us know!

Good post! I liked those quotes, too!
I've also found that character-casting helps. A LOT. My friend just did a really good post on it that I should read again because I'm kind of stumped in my OYAN novel... : P Not fun.
Hmm... good examples of dynamic characters..... I really liked Edmund Sparkler from Little Dorrit (the BBC movie). (I'm laughing just thinking about him!!) He's such a memorable character because of his mannerisms. ("She's a good sort of girl! No nonsense about *her*!") Definitely worth a watch if you can sit for EIGHT HOURS! : )
PS: I've been reading, like, all of your posts. I just haven't had the chance to comment. Sorry!!!
Those are good points! Mine all do that, have their own special traits. However, mine never actually, need creating. I plan things out I would like them to do and they say, "No, I like this better!" And do whatever they fancy.
One of the most memorable characters to me is Puddleglum. Someday I want to create a character like him 8-D
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