I'm preparing to begin my new
work-in-progress, which I've codenamed Tornado C. (The actual novel
has nothing to do with tornadoes.) I've especially spent a long time
planning out the beginning.
But the question has to be asked: what
does it take to begin a novel? How should it start out?
There are two ways to answer this: in
the writing or in the revision. People like me write high-quality
first drafts. Others write painfully rough drafts and edit them into
perfection. However you write it, there are a few things you need to
know about beginning a novel.
Novels need to start out at the place
that begins the conflict of the entire novel. It's the first domino
that falls, causing a chain effect until we reach the end of the
novel, and there's no dominoes left standing. Daniel Schwabauer
calls it "The Inciting Incident".
Once I have that worked out, I usually
ask myself three questions. All of these questions need to be
answered at one point or another, whether during the writing or
during the revision.
1) How can I inform the reader of the
main character's background without outright "telling" it?
Background is an important aspect to
the story. We need to know who we're supposed to root for. If we
don't know our main character, will we care if he breaks his neck?
Of course not. So we need to inform
the reader who our main character is. But more importantly, we need
to make the reader CARE about the
we need to be very careful not to "tell". The background
dump is one of the worst pits a writer could fall into. It slows
down the story and alienates the reader, and kills the potential that
the first scene might have had.
2) How can I hook the reader?
You don't have to have a murder scene
right at the beginning to hook the reader. In fact, you only need
one thing to get the reader interested in the story.
All beginnings have one thing in
common: a question. If your reader is asking questions, then chances
are, they'll want to keep reading. In Tornado C, for instance, the
reader is asking questions like, "What did the protagonist do to
be imprisoned? Why does everyone hate him? What's going on? What
is this war that keeps cropping up?"
Withholding crucial information—such
as the reason for my character's imprisionment—is a wonderful way
to keep the reader turning the pages. However, the information must
be told sometime, or the reader won't be happy. If my readers are
wondering why there's a war going on, and I never tell them, question
will eventually fizzle out and my reader will be left confused and
rather angry.
3) How can I use the "inciting
incident" to propel the reader into the rest of the novel?
Writing a fantastic first scene and
then leaving the reader hanging is a big no-no. Your first scene
must be part of the story unfolding. More than that, it should
PROPEL the rest of the story. Like I said earlier, the beginning is
the first domino. The first scene is the pebble that starts an
avalanche. If you give the reader a promising novel in the first
scene and then the first scene has nothing to do with the general
plot, the reader feels cheated.
4) How can I connect the beginning to
the end?
Jeff Gerke calls this method
"circularity". If your beginning has nothing to do with
your end, then it'll be pretty much meaningless. But connecting the
beginning to the end is a powerful method to create emotion in your
In The War Horn, I used this quite a
bit. The final scene takes place in the same place as the first
scene, at the same time. The place itself hadn't changed, but that
makes my main character realize that HE was the one who had changed.
In the last few paragraphs, I drew parallels from the beginning to
the end that showed the character change that had happened within my
From what I've heard from readers, this
scene satisfied. It tied up the loose ends and gave the reader a
chance to catch their breath and reflect on what had happened. And
it moved them. The reader had gone in a full circle, and yet, things
had changed, but in a good way, even though so many painful things
had happened.
So, looking at the beginning scene, I
always try to find a way to connect the end to the beginning. The
beginning is the place where you sow the seeds of emotion that you'll
reap at the end.
What sort of methods do you use in
creating your beginning scene? Have you found anything in published
novels that you find really works?

Wonderful post, Jake! For the record, I tend to like to write my first drafts as best I can, so there's less editing work.
I usually start the beginnings of my stories with two things: an exciting scene that also introduces my main character. I always make sure that, if the excitement isn't relevant to the rest of the plot, to tie it up so I don't leave readers hanging.
Again, great job! ; )
Oh thank you, thank you Jake! This is just what I needed! I just started my new book and have ideas for another, and this is precisely what I needed. Thank you! Awesome post, needless to say. :-)
Interesting post, Jake! Like you, I try to write good-quality first drafts, though I will admit I've been a bit sloppy in some respects lately.
One of the things I like to do is either start the first scene with someone talking and/or them going somewhere. For example, I started my Camp NaNoWriMo novel with someone saying "You've got to be kidding me" (or something to that effect), and I started my NaNoWriMo novel with one of my main characters running away to join her world's equivalent of an army.
I also kind of like the "framed story" thing in some cases. You know, where the main character introduces the story and then goes back to tell what happened. Though I think that the effectiveness of that framing depends on the story.
Nice post Jake. :)
In my book, the first scene (or should I say my first chapter) is a really intense, edge of your seat one. It is kind of the blastoff off of how the rest of the book is going to be.
I am trying to give the reader a great suspenseful read that will cause him to not want to put it down.
With this book I am trying to pull a Julian Smith - Reading a book. haha...
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