Young Aidan Errolson of Longleaf Manor longs to be a warrior and adventurer in the service of King Darrow of Corenwald, but instead, the 12-year-old boy spends his days tending sheep on his father's vast estate. Adventure beckons when he befriends one of the "feechiefolk," Dobro Turtlebane, a member of a wild nomadic tribe that travels the rivers and swamps. Bayard the Truthspeaker, Corenwald's greatest prophet, is confident that Aidan is the Wilderking. Aiden only has one question; is Bayard the Truthspeaker a prophet or a madman? (Book description taken from Amazon.com)
I checked this book out today from my church library, having read about it and actually tried a sample. I was slightly wary at first, as this book is a fictionalized retelling of the story of King David from the Bible. After all, I figured, why read a book if you know how it'll end?
I was soon swept up in Jonathan Roger's well written and humorous story, completely forgetting all of my previous doubts. Jonathan Roger does a good job of writing the story with his own spin on it, making the book completely different then the original King David story, yet keeping the essence of the story. Rated 8.5 out of 10.

As book two opens, Aidan is living in the court of King Darrow. He has become best friends with Darrow's son Steren, and he enjoys great favor among the courtiers. But King Darrow's suspicion is growing and his insecurity causes him to hate the young man who saved his kingdom. Concerned about his king's spiral into ever-darker moods, Aidan asks what he can do to help. Darrow sends him on an imposible adventure to the recesses of Feechiefen Swamp, thinking he is sending Aidan to his death. Afterall, no Corenwalder has ever returned from Feechiefen alive. But Aidan's fate is not sealed yet for Aidan has allies among the feechiefolk who know him as the hero Pantherbane. (Book description taken from Amazon.com)
Jonathan Rogers manages to pull it off again in
The Secret of the Swamp King. This book spirals off slightly the King David theme, but keeps the surprises coming and the action rolling. Especially feechiefights.
This book was just as excellent as the previous, and I was glad I had all the books in front of me as I sat on the couch and plunged through them. From the capital of Tambluff to Bearhouse Island, this book is sure to deliver. Rated 8.5 out of 10.

In book three of the acclaimed Wilderking Trilogy, civilizer Aidan returns home from three years in Feechiefen Swamp to discover that a party known as the Aidanites has arisen among his fellow Corenwalders. They believe the Wilderking Chant makes reference to Aidan, and that he is destined to overthrow Corenwald's tyrant King Darrow. Aidan has no intention of leading any such rebellion. But when the Corenwald kingdom continues to weaken, and the enemy Pyrthens threaten to invade, it's clear the Aidanites are the only army his people have left. What soon transpires among civilizers, feechiefolk, Corenwalders, and Pyrthens alike, no reader could predict. When all is said and done, who will be the Wilderking? (Description taken from Amazon.com)
The Way of the Wilderking is a terrific end to a great trilogy. If you want to know what this book is like, take a look here;
Imagine a good book. Then add a biblical foundation to the book. Add a fantasy twist next, and a huge, all-out battle with terrible enemies with black and red colors. And at the very last, put in the mystery of New Vezey and the Wilderking.
See the picture? It forms together to make a wonderful conclusion to the Wilderking Trilogy, a bright and colorful picture of the Corewalders' fierce desire to stay free. Rated 8.7 out of 10.
(And PS... The 'Kindle Edition' logo beneath the book's pictures is not intentional. It was the only picture I could find, though. :) )