So, to explain the title, sometime in the next couple of days you'll wake up and see that I have posted something with the title 'The Giveaway--The Tolkienish Something'. And you'll find out that elusive prize that no one could guess....
On a completely 'random' note, I wrote a post on Why Everything is Random...Or Not on my other blog. Beware, however--it is 1) very random and 2) it is very confusing. Only go there if you love randomness and are prepared for a Random bombardment. :)

Jake, I am seriously leaning back in my chair and laughing my head off. *POP!!!* Oh, sorry, let me pick my head up. *Twists head back on*
Now, as I was saying, that was FUNNY!!! I especially like your thing on TFK, because that is random. When something awkward happens, me and my sister always say "Skillet." If the awkwardness continues, we say, "TFK." It always seems to make things a little less awkward, but always more random.
SEE?? Even my comment is random!!!!
Oh, on the other hand, I'm going to see TFK again!!!! Yay!!
Thanks, Eldra! Have a good time seeing TFK. :)
Regarding your randomness post... I'M TOTALLY CONFUSED!!!
I'll try. . .
Jake Hahah!!!!! That's hilarious :P :P :P lol! Now I was thinking along the lines that you have an itchy sunburn while I'm over here scratching myself because I've got a bazzillion mosquitoe bites from camping in the woods XD Too funny lol; the adventure never ends.
Now I'm off to check out that random post :)
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