Wednesday, June 30, 2010

TOLKIEN!! And Why He Can't Come

If you have read the post of this title, (which most people do), and have looked at the sidebar at the number of followers this blog has (which many of you may), and if you follow this blog (if you're reading this, and you don't, go ahead and follow! Excluding parents), and you actually know what I'm talking about, (if you don't, go two posts down and read), then you already know the subject of this post. You guessed it; Something Tolkienish is about to happen...

Unfortunately, it has been postponed. Until further notice. It requires a week for myself, and I don't have a week yet in which I can do it, since I'm on vacation all next week, going to my aunt's wedding the next, and something I forgot the third week, I can't do it. Hopefully, if I have built enough suspense, then most of you should be going, "Darn!" and slamming your fist on a nearby table--or something similar in reaction.

So that means y'all will have to sit tight and wait.

TRANSLATION (for those who can't understand my rambling); Since I'm going to be gone for about three weeks, I can't do the Tolkienish thing that I promised once I reached 25 followers.

WAIT! Don't leave. I have some spoilers for the upcoming giveaway (yes, it is a giveaway!).

First; It is golden. Literally.

Second; It is book(s).

Third--Whoever guesses the prize correctly gains another entry into the giveaway. Seriously. But no one will ever guess.

EDIT; It must be a specific edition of the book that you are specifying. Otherwise it would be guessed in an instant. :D

SECOND EDIT; Only three tries per person, either all in one comment or three.


Nolan said...

The Hobbit: Vintage Gold Hardcover copy. If it isn't that, I don't know what it could possibly be.

P.S. it has a gold cover (obviously) with dwarvish runes framing a giant "50" in the middle.

Ryan said...

Brisingr (sp) hardcover special edition?

Nolan said...

Whoops. I thought it was something Tolkienish =)

Jake said...

Nope. Neither of you are correct. :)

Nathan R. Petrie said...

I have a brilliant guess! I know this is right:

The giveaway is: Mine :-)

Jake said...

Hmmm.... Uh, no. :D Probably not.

Unknown said...

The Tolkien Encyclopedia Golden Cover

Jake said...

Oooh, good guess, but no. Remember, you get AN EXTRA ENTRY if you guess correctly.

Precentor said...

All That is Gold Does Not Glitter - by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

A giveaway with a book with this inside?

Jake said...

Oooh... More specific, Millard. But close. :) Very close. It's a specific edition of that certain book. But that was a great guess.