UNITE! A and B of the C of D about TDW! :O Warning warning get your free pizza here. ;)
Hurry! Something strange is sweeping the nations! Danger! Intrigue! A terrible secret about to be revealed! YAAAAHHHH!!! Pirates, thorns, and a hefty dose of a glimpse into the future shall be revealed! Panic and be crazy! Warning!! :O AGH!
The authorities are coming! Hurry, email me before it is too late! I cannot risk contacting you any further on this blog. I shall not be blogging for another week! :O Hurry!! But in all seriousness, this is seriousness. :O Email me quickly to find out!
*drives away as sirens echo through the halls of Teenage Writer*

I love that you used A and B the C of D! lol
I would email you... but I don't know what your email address is! I may have it! But I can't remember! And I like using exclamation points!!! Yah!!!!!
Check out the contact me page. :O *hides*
Yeah I was chuckling that you used A and B the C of D-- wot wot!
ditto the lol from Gil.
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