Thursday, June 16, 2011

Review Links

Hey all!  I recently discovered that the BloggingForBooks program reset all of their settings due to people using the system dishonestly.  That means that all of my ratings have been cleared.

So, I have come to ask you to rank all of these reviews below.  O_o  It's a tedious task, but if you can complete it, I am much in your debt.  I think, if I get enough ratings, I could win something.  Which would be amazing.

Thank you very much!

Dug Down Deep:
(Click here for the review on my blog)

Sir Rowan and the Camerian Conquest:
(Click here for the review on my blog)

The Ale Boy's Feast:
(Click here for the review on my blog)

(Click here for the review on my blog)

Sir Quinlan and the Swords of Valor:
(Click here for the review on my blog)

The Charlatan's Boy:
(Click here for the review on my blog)

All right!  I'm off again.  I must write a lot today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Done and done."

Well written, Jake.