Greetings and hallucinations!
I haven't blogged in some time, so I
figured I'd say SOMETHING on here. I'll subject you to a short
update and then ramble for a bit. Do your best to finish the post:
but if you can't, I don't blame you. ^_^
Firstly, my writing! Tornado C is
coming along sloooowwwwlllyyyy. I'm still working on the outline.
If I really stuck to it and got the outline done, I could be starting
it this week, but other circumstances have temporarily supplanted it.
What circumstances? The further
progression of my science fiction stories, which I just call "Will
Vullerman" stories, after the protagonist. In addition to In
Stasis and The Reality Ring, I've been working on a
sci-fi/thriller/murder mystery sequel to the stories called The
Thirteenth Call. Working synopsis is below:
were a perfectly normal American family newly arrived in Europe. But
for the last six nights, at seven o'clock sharp, they've gotten the
same phone call with the same threatening message. Will Vullerman,
asked by a friend to help this family, arrives on the scene. But
he's not prepared for the sinister plot that's slowly tightening the
noose around this family. He has to find out who's calling, and why,
before it's too late...before the thirteenth call.
I'm really enjoying this story. Plenty of suspense and twists and
turns, I can assure you. And my sisters have called it "scary"
thus far, which is a new direction for me.
Thirteenth Call has proved to be a fairly large task, however. The
first two Will Vullerman stories were about 6.5k, and The Thirteenth
Call is at 8.5k and is likely going to end up somewhere past ten
thousand. For this reason, I'm splitting it into two parts. Part
One is finished at 6.7k, and Part Two is progressing. I've been
procrastinating a lot, though: I need to sit down and finish it!
that's about it in the writing department. How's writing coming for
you all? With school out, you ought to be writing more: and if you
aren't, that's not good. If your writing habits have not increased
with the onset of summer, I'll send Danton Brownbarr over to deal
with you. ;)
else? Well, Andrew Peterson is awesome, but he has been for some
time now. Observe:
a snickbuzzard?" Paddy asked.
don't know," Lennry said, "but they sound mean."
Podo said. "They are. Terrible mean. Razor sharp beaks.
Talons like daggers. And the worst part?"
yes?" Lennry and Paddy said.
sipped his bean brew and raised a bushy eyebrow. "Bellybutton."
Monster In The Hollows, Book Three of the Wingfeather Saga by Andrew
another note, I've been devouring Sherlock Holmes stories. I've read
all three story collections and most of the novellas. They're
awesome. I must admit, however, that I wished that Doyle really had
ended the stories with Holmes's death. The way Memoirs ended was
perfect, poetic, and utterly epic. Moriarty tops my top five
villains list.
quotes have been swirling around my head again. Sometimes history
repeats itself: and in this case, when I reread Chesterton, I repeat
quotes I've already said before. Here's some to chew on:
am the man who with utmost daring discovered what had been discovered
whole secret of mysticism is this: that man can understand everything
by the help of what he does not understand."
we have taken the circle as the symbol of reason and madness, we may
very well take the cross as the symbol at once of mystery and of
health. Buddhism is centripetal, but Christianity is centrifugal: it
breaks out. For the circle is perfect and infinite in its nature;
but it is fixed for ever in its size; it can never be larger or
smaller. But the cross, though it has at its heart a collision and a
contradiction, can extend its for arms for ever without altering its
shape. Because it has a paradox in its centre it can grow without
changing. The circle returns upon itself and is bound."
man who is most likely to ruin the place he loves is exactly the man
who loves it with a reason. The man who will improve the place is
the man who loves it without a reason."
think the cat superior because we have (or most of us have) a
particular philosophy to the effect that life is better than death.
But if the mouse were a German pessimist mouse, he might not think
that the cat had beaten him at all. He might think that he had
beaten the cat by getting to the grave first. Or he might feel that
he had actually inflicted a frightful punishment on the cat by
keeping him alive."
that we call spirit and art and ecstasy only means that for one awful
instant we remember that we forget."
from Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton
I love
that last quote especially. :)
also, we got a monkey. Yes, yes we did. You read that correctly:
We got a monkey.
name is Bobby.
high maintenance.
all in all a fun pet.
He has
orange eyes, brown-grey underfur with yellowy tips and a white nose.
And his tail's longer than his body, which is a bit smaller than a
full-grown cat. If he's on the ground, you can lean down and extend
your arm, and he'll clamber up and make himself comfortable in the
crook of your arm.
also enjoys relieving himself on your shirt, which is not so fun.
But you
can't have everything. ^_^
How are
you all doing? Any news worth telling me? Any good Christian
speculative fiction books coming out soon? What do YOU think of
Let me
know. :)

Great post as always, Jake! Your Will Vullerman stories sound really cool!
My writing is...going slowly. XP But I have an excuse! I don't get summer break! XD
I'm working on a fantasy novel that I hope to finish by August; it has a plot, but it's too complicated and I haven't quite figured out how to tell people about it yet.
And this summer, with my free time, I'm also going to try and make a short film with my friends. So less time for writing, I guess... >.> Bad Eru.
Yes, the Will Vullerman stories sound epic!
Chesterton has some pretty cool quotes, there are a few pinned up in some of the class rooms around my school.
I'd turned my attention away from the screen to talk to my sister, then I glanced back and saw:
We got a monkey
I looked away, then I'm like: 'hang on!' my head went flying back to face the screen to confirm what I'd read.
Wow, I'm insanely jealous of you, it sounds so cute...except maybe the relieving itself on you part.
My writing, uh, came to a stop, my USB which I've got it all saven on has stopped working. So I'm going to have to start over, which I don't really mind. There were only a few things which I am really annoyed about losing.
Well, I'd better get to work on it now.
God Bless.
Your book sounds really good! I love mysteries and that sounds like such a good idea!!!!
Hm, writing over the summer...I would love to 8-D But I'm publishing my book this fall, so it is taking all my time to get ready for it. I write a little though
Great post!! :-) This post made me very happy.
Your stories sound amazing. I seriously don't know how you do it with short stories--I always hit a wall with how to end them and how to keep them below 10,000 words. :-P
And yes, Andrew Peterson has been epic for some time now. Have you listened to any of his music? I know it may not be your style, but it is REALLY good. His songs are so well written! And his new CD that is coming out this August, Light for the Lost Boy, sounds SO GOOD as for what I have heard so far.
As for my writing, it's going quite badly. I'm juggling ideas for two novels, and they're colliding into one big writer's block. I really want to get back into it, but Inspiration has been avoiding me and Procrastination has been on my back for a long time. *sigh*
That's hilarious about your monkey. My brothers are totally enamored with monkeys--although we don't have a real one, which they bemoan nearly every day. They have to make do with stuffed monkeys. :-)
Anyway, GREAT post! Those Chesterton quotes were awe-some!
Random, but are you doing Camp NaNo?
I guess this comment is really late, but I didn't see this post before. I just thought I'd tell you that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle didn't want to resurrect Sherlock Holmes. He killed Holmes off because he thought that the Holmes books were interfering with his other work. The only reason he resurrected Holmes was because the public demanded it. If Conan Doyle didn't resurrect Holmes, he would probably have been attacked by a hoard of Victorians with, um, walking sticks and spats? (Okay, that wasn't very original...but you get the idea.) But seriously, the public literally went into mourning for the death of Holmes. Conan Doyle tried to appease them by writing The Hound of the Baskervilles (which is set before the death of Holmes), but it wasn't enough, and he had resurrect Holmes entirely. I agree with you pretty much, though; Holmes' death was an excellent, though sad, ending for the books. Although The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Valley of Fear are both REALLY good.
~Anonymous Sherlock Holmes Fan
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