Who wrote a lot of words? Who gets the Word War Winner logo? Who gets and EXTRA entry into my giveaway? Are you ready for the shock? The amazingness?! The SUSPENSE!?!?
The winner is...

!Miss Pickwickian!
CONGRATULATIONS! :) You wrote over three thousand words!! :D Feel free to copy the WWII Winner logo and post it on your sidebar on your blog. :)
(Please see that this award is NOT the same as the last one I gave away--see the 'Word War II'?)
Great job! I'll see you guys next time. :) Don't worry--Word War III is going to come...sooner or later.

Wow! Awesome!
Congratulations to the winner! :)
Be Blessed:)
World War Three happens November 1st, so why Word War Three happen in November too?
World War Three happens in November? O.o Right by my sister's birthday, lol.
I'm doing a World War Three novel for National Novel Writing Month, which is in November.
Ah, I see. :) I'm doing NaNoWriMo as well. Good luck!
Thanks, you too.
Comment cause of voting: Answer, religion.
I'd probably do that on my other blog, since this is mostly for writing. But I have been gathering material for a 'Dragons, the Bible, etc' post, of sorts. Actually, it was for school, but I'm going to post it on here sometime as well.
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