'How in the world do you expect me to PICK?!?!' is still hanging in there with a reduced percentage of 40%.
'Bryan Davis' has shot ahead, and is now tied with 'C. S. Lewis' with 18% respectively.
'Wayne Thomas Batson' is still in third with 14%.
'J. R. R. Tolkien' has finally gotten another vote, and now has 7%.
And still in last with no votes are 'Brian Jacques' and 'Christopher Hopper'.
I have decided to put another poll in, though, with this question; "What would you like for me to blog about next?" All of the answers but one are a 'series'. In other words, there will be more than one post on it.
Once the poll is closed, I'll do those suggestions in order of greatest votes to least votes. Here's the possible answers;
"A segmented short story" (The idea was politely pilfered from Storyteller, although it's not allegorical) :)
"Ten posts on my top ten favorite books"
"An investigation on what makes a fantasy world awesome"
"A chapter excerpt from my novel"
I can't think of any more, but if you can, then please comment and tell me. Please don't suggest a series on good characters, though; Squeaks is planning on doing it. :)

*sigh* I guess I really do have to do that post.
jk I'm working on ideas :P
Ten posts on your favorite books is my vote.
Granny D.
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