Stylish Blogger Award
For this wonderful award, I get to list five random things, and award five other bloggers.
-Dark chocolate... Choklad Mork from Ikea... Mmmmm.
-Mom is awesome!!! Especially on Mother's Day. (I had to do that one too, Squeaks) :).
-I haven't done any writing today
-The glowsticks I'm looking at are cheap
-Steak is delectable
And who is it going to?? Alex, A Servant of the King (a.k.a. Gillian), Nathan R. Petrie
(I'll update it as I get them)
And the second award is;
Aspiring Author Award
And for my aspiring author friends, is the Aspiring Author Award. I was flattered to recieve this one. :D
So the winners are; Andrew and Storyteller (although I don't know if she's published anything, she's very 'mysterious' like that).
Congrats to the winners! Don't forget to give the award on to other people! You can pick however many you want on the Aspiring Author Award, by the way.
Yes, I'll be getting around to posting some more of my short story tomorrow, for those who are waiting. :)

Update; And as I review this post, I looked around and found out that half the people that I awarded have already been awarded. :P.... Oops.
Awesome blog Jake! I'm a follower now, and I'll keep checking back. I love to write as well, and I have a blog with my stories on it. It only has a little bit though, but I'm working on it. Just click on "view my complete profile" and you can check out my other blogs also. :)
Thanks for the award. Curious, what's stylish about my blog? ROFL
Anyhow, ST is a girl in case you were wondering ;) haha :D
Thanks again! I'll post on these shortly!
Uhhh... I am correcting it as we speak. :)
See what I said about being 'mysterious like that'? Same thing. :D
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